Tuesday Inspiration

4 03 2008

Update: If the video decides not to work for you then you can watch it on this page.

Well, last week was a bit of photography inspiration. Yesterday a bit on spiritual inspiration and what about today? Well, how about some comedical (is that even a word?) inspiration. Sometimes you just need to have your funny bone tickled so I turn to some funny stuff. There’s a website that showcases fonts with quotes (some funny, some not, some deep, some repulsive). I also like John Gray’s stuff. He’s the one that wrote Men are from Mars, Women from Venus. There are some funny LDS speakers that some of you might know: Jack Marshall, Brad Wilcox, John Bytheway (do a search in the page by holding down Ctrl and “f”), and Curtis Jacobs. I’m sure there are loads more out there. Oh, can’t forget Bill Cosby and Les Brown. Oh, then there’s Steve Urkel from Family Matters (wish it was on DVD), Seinfield, Barney Fife, and Tim the Toolman Taylor.

Anyways, one day while I was reading some old emails I found a funny one. It’s quite neat to look back and see what others have written. So here is one story of a friend who had a knee operation (I hope they don’t mind me sharing this):

I talked to your Mom on sunday and she told me that the only thing you
said about our conversation was that I was drugged. Wahoo! Yes…I felt
good that day! Hopefully I wasn’t too wierd. I kept being told not to worry
about it because it wasn’t too different how I am normally. I didn’t know
how to take it! I am off the medication now and am doing alot better. There
is still pain but, I keep going and am getting better. I see the Doc this
week to get my stitches out. I have the cutest stitches. My dad answered
everyones question, of what had happened, with- Its a wieght loss program!!
He kept telling people it was knee lypo suction!!! He cracks himself up!
Then he told all little kids to go up and pull the string- then my leg would
fall off. He had some kids in tears!!! He was in tears too- LAUGHING! Got
to love my DAD!

So anyways, I hope we all get our dose of laughter and smiles that we need everyday. Have a funny day!